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How Do You Remove Mud Stains?

Most mud stains can be removed by washing the item according to the care instructions. Let the mud dry, then brush off as much as possible using a soft bristle brush, such as an old tooth brush. Then wash using regular laundry detergent.

For those more difficult stains, try one of the many pre-treatment products on the market. You can also use a mixture of detergent and ammonia as a pretreatment:

  • Measure the amount of detergent needed for the load. Take a small amount of the detergent and mix it with regular household ammonia (the non-sudsing type) to form a paste and apply to the stained area. Let stand for five to ten minutes, then launder as usual using the hottest water allowable for the garment.
  • Be sure to test for colourfastness before using any stain removal agent. To test for color fastness, apply a small amount of the product to an unexposed area of the garment. Let stand for about five minutes, then rinse. If the color is affected, don't use the product. Also check the label on your laundry detergents, as many of them give step-by-step pre-treatment instructions.

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